Investment funds and angel investors are constantly on the lookout for new investment opportunities that hold out the promise of a great future. In the last decade, the attention of the investors has been increasingly drawn towards sunrise sectors of the 21st century such clean energy industries, environment friendly technologies, breakthroughs in pharmaceuticals and healthcare, telecommunications, and biotechnology among others.
There are a large number of new generation entrepreneurs and firms that are working on very promising ideas that could have a great impact on our lives and our future. However, it is crucial to ensure that the venture capitalists and large investment funds are able to identify these good investment opportunities. At the same time, the entrepreneurs are in dire need of funds to support their projects.
Mobile Internet: Among the Biggest Investment Opportunities in the new decade
After Mobile telephony, that turned out to be among the most profitable investment opportunities of the 20th century, there is a growing belief among major investment houses that Mobile Internet is going to be the next big thing. Some investors go to the extent of saying that mobile internet will surpass desktop internet in five years from now, in terms of its power, reach and revenue generation.
The rise of the investment opportunities in mobile internet technology may also be combined with an explosive growth in online social networking. In fact, the combined number of users having a presence on the social networking media has already exceeded the total number of people using email for communication. This is a major trend that has the potential of creating lucrative investment opportunities for large funds that are on the lookout for promising new technologies.
Corporate Houses that Hold the Key to Mobile Internet Growth
Apple Inc. of the U.S. is undoubtedly a world leader when it comes to innovation in mobile technologies. That is the reason behind its immense attraction power for the investment funds. 3G is another company that is on the scanner of large investors because of its strengths in the mobile internet infrastructure segment. Companies that are facilitating wireless transmission of data are considered among the hottest investment opportunities by the investors.
Some investment analysts believe that eventually the mobile phone is going to become an instrument for data transmission more than its current role of voice transmission. Speed enhancement and vast quantities of data transmission is going to be the growth driver in this segment, creating new investment opportunities.
Companies such as Google, eBay and Amazon.com are also expected to be among the huge beneficiaries of the impending boom in the world of mobile internet. The business of these companies is entirely Internet-centric, which makes the investors assume that the growth of mobile internet is automatically going to push the growth of these firms.
New entrepreneurs who are coming up with ideas, products and applications that would enhance the world of mobile internet stand a good chance to receive the backing of angel investors for their projects.
Clean Technologies: The Next Big Investment Opportunity
The venture capital firms are showing a growing interest in the firms that are engaged in the development of pro-environmental technologies. Most investors believe there are excellent investment opportunities coming up in this segment. Massive amount of venture capital is already pouring into innovative “clean-tech” enterprises.
Investment opportunity in the area of clean technology exists in a variety of avenues. There are clean technologies that make a more economical use of precious natural resources and use water and energy much more efficiently than traditional methods. There are also clean technologies coming up that produce considerably lesser toxic waste, while delivering the same level of quality at the same price. All of these areas offer lucrative investment opportunities for investors who are interested in such technologies of the future.
Factors that make Clean Technology a Great Investment Opportunity
Not only are the mainstream investment funds seeing clean technology projects as excellent investment opportunities, but also there are various dedicated Clean Technology Funds that are being set up to invest exclusively in this area. The following factors make clean technology a profitable investment opportunity:
- Clean technology businesses receive excellent public approval and substantial government support. That helps the business to get on its feet fast, and there is lesser competition for it because of its unique selling proposition. Clients are happy to pay for such technology because it adds to their pro-environment reputation.
- Costs of conventional sources of energy have been rising consistently, and there is a shortage of supply in many regions around the world. That makes the clean energy business models viable and fairly cost efficient in relation to the prices of conventional sources.
- There is sufficient technical and management expertise and talent pool available to run these clean technology businesses efficiently. This ensures that the companies are run properly, and there is profitability and wealth maximization for the investors in the venture.
- The potential for multiplying the investments with high returns exists in this segment. Due to the lack of competition, there is a high level of interest of venture capital funds in these projects.
Investment opportunities are also coming up in various other new technology areas apart from telecom, biotechnology, clean technologies and mobile internet. It depends upon the expertise, interest and analysis of the investors what kind of growth areas they choose for making their investment.